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Around Ecuador

Asociación APOV

“Cradle of fine flavored cocoa”

Los Rios Province

We are an association of cocoa producers located in one of the regions with the greatest traditions and history with this product. Situated in the heart of the origin of fine flavored cocoa also known as cocoa “arriba,” because in olden times it was transported by river from the higher lands. The cocoa produced in haciendas was the first export product of Ecuador in the XIX century. In this region, there are still trees that are more than 100 years old and keep producing. When Land Reform came to the province of Los Rios, in 1966, some haciendas were broke and were bought by their employees, who had been working there for generations. Many farmers, during the boom of bananas in the 1980s, cut down their cocoa trees, but some of us in Las Naves resisted this change because we love this crop. We are determined to not lose this ancestral inheritance of growing delicious fine flavored varieties.


“Cradle of fine flavored cocoa”

Los Rios Province

We are the Nor Western Union of community organizations and the local population of Pichincha (UNOCYPP). The organization is based in Puerto Rico. We have more than 500 producers of fine Aroma cocoa. As a second-degree organization, we support development and strength of partners within. Allowing a more dynamic development of economic, social, and environmental improvement, based on the proper use of natural resources. This is based on the transfer of knowledge and clean technologies framed in the principle of SUMAK KAWSAY. Which is based on the awareness and training of its members, putting into practice the basics of true democratic principles.

Asociación APROCA

“Cradle of fine flavored cocoa”

Los Rios Province

We are an association nestled between the beach and mountains, where there is a confluence of great cultural diversity of Afroamericans, Manabitas, Lojanos, and Chachis, what we have in common is the green geography of the Esmeraldas province. We are passionate about the cocoa crop and this is why we are organized. Our members know our transparent processes and our commitment to the environment. Our clients trust in the quality of our product. In the future, we would like to diversify our offer and make chocolate.


“Cradle of fine flavored cocoa”

Los Rios Province

We are farmers from distinct parts of Ecuador, characterized by the work, perseverance, and consistency that made our association grow from 6 members in 1995, the year we began, to the 112 members who are currently in our association. Our farms are located around the neighborhood of Buena Suerte in the county of El Empalme, province of Guayas. Many of us come here, attracted by the land, because of the sale of wood and because it is a meeting place between three provinces, Guayas, Manabí, and Los Ríos. El Empalme means union and that is what characterizes our members. We hope that, plus the name of our association, Good Luck, keeps giving us good omens for a prosperous future.


“Cradle of fine flavored cocoa”

Los Rios Province

This association is located in the picturesque enclave of Echeandía, at the foot of the Andes mountains. Many of us came from the high and cold lands of Guaranda at the end of the 1960s. We learned from our neighbors the art of growing cocoa and other products such as coffee, oranges, and bananas. Now we produce a distinctive flavored cocoa that comes from the unique combination of the cloud forest that surrounds us and the native nacional and criollo varieties that we grow.


“Cradle of fine flavored cocoa”

Los Rios Province

We are montubio producers, happy, hospitable, and untiring workers. We produce cocoa in a Manabi valley, which despite the limitations in water, is very fertile. We were born as an organization in 2006, with the union of two Associations, La Fortaleza and Valle de Carrizal. The changes we have had since then are visible: we are organized and technified and represent very well our name “Strength of the Valley.” In this group of humans, there is vision. We have established organizational processes, we know the demands of the market, and our brand is being recognized globally.

Asociación SAN CARLOS

“Cradle of fine flavored cocoa”

Los Rios Province

We were born as an association to provide a social service to the farmers of the Orellana province and to improve the price and quality of their cocoa. Now our services extend to the province of Sucumbios and we provide technical assistance to more than 1200 farmers. We work with an approach of Socio-environmental Field Schools and our manner of working has been so successful that we continue to grow. We work with farmers located in buffer zones of the Yasuni National Park.


“Cradle of fine flavored cocoa”

Los Rios Province

We are a young organization that originally had the name “Fight for Progress”. But everyone knows us as “Miss Ecuador”. We think it’s because this name is more attractive and also because the area where we live is called this. We are producers from many parts of Ecuador, who came to the Amazon with the promise of land to cultivate. Initially, we planted coffee, but with the fall in prices a decade ago, we decided to plant cocoa. In our farms, you can see that we take care of nature and plant cocoa Nacional.


“Cradle of fine flavored cocoa”

Los Rios Province

Our organization is in the most Northern zone of the Esmeraldas province, close to the frontier with Colombia and that is known as a conflict zone at an international level. Nevertheless, our cocoa is known as “peace cocoa,” because it creates income for the partners with whom we work, we are organized and this lets us live in peace. It is a challenge to reach all the farmers, sometimes there are not roads to their farms, even so we get there and gather large volumes. Among our members are Chachis and AgroEcuadorians and colonists from various regions of Ecuador, but we all have a common objective to produce good quality cocoa.

Federación FEDECADE

“Cradle of fine flavored cocoa”

Los Rios Province

We are one of the oldest cocoa associations in Ecuador. We are made up of many farmers who immigrated to the coast with the promise of planting bananas, and after a large drop in the prices of bananas, we became interested in cocoa. We are a federation committed to unifying the cocoa producers of all of Ecuador, so that we have a voice and participate in the national policies concerning production, distribution, quality, and a more just commercialization of this product.

Asociación UCOCS

“Cradle of fine flavored cocoa”

Los Rios Province

We are a small and relatively young organization formed by farmers that believe in the value of varieties of nacional cocoa, even when many of us feel forced to eradicate our gardens of arriba varieties to plant hybrids. In UCOCS, we are committed to finding markets that pay a just price for well-fermented and high-quality cocoa, in a way that our partners can keep tending their integrated organic farms.

Corporación COCPE

“Cradle of fine flavored cocoa”

Los Rios Province

We are a farmers’ association. Men and women organized with the aim of selling our cocoa for a good price and improving the income of our families. We are located in Quininde, a green city of Ecuador, which gets its name from the exuberance of its nature and vegetation. They say that this is the century of women and that is proven with the list of members of our association, there is gender equity. We are growing and currently, we are comprised of 27 basic organizations.